Our Services
Personalized services to assist seniors with their custom needs.
Everyones care needs are different. We personalize your care plan custom to your care needs!
Companionship, Safety Supervision
Hygiene, Bathing, Grooming, Dressing
Cleaning, Laundry, Organizational Care
Mobility Assistance
Nutrition, Meal Prep, Reminders
Incontinence, Toileting
24 Hour Care, Overnight Care
Cognative Impairment
Hospice Support
Assistance with Daily Living Activities
And So Much More!
How Do I Pay For Long Term Care?
Whether it is provided at home or in a hospital, assisted living facility, or nursing home, depends on their financial situation and kinds of services they use. In many cases, most people believe their health or disability insurance will pay for long term care, but most insurance policies include limited, if any, long term care benefits. Often, people must rely on a variety of payment sources, including personal funds, government programs, and private financial options.
Sunset Senior Services LLC provides the most affordable in home care in the area. Our rates do vary depending on care needs, but we do keep them as low as possible! We believe in keeping our rates low is one way we can ensure every senior can get the affordable and quality care they deserve. We take the stress off of our clients and their families. If cost is ever a concern, let us know. We will cover all options we can with you to guarentee your loved one can get the care they need.
Our goal is to keep more seniors in their homes! In home care is a safe, effective way to provide care in the comfort of ones own home. Home care isn't just about health - ITS ABOUT HEART!